Medical Transportation

  • Access to VA Facilities: Coordinate transportation services to ensure veterans can reach Department of Veterans' Affairs (VA) medical facilities for appointments, treatments, and follow-ups. This includes both routine and emergency medical transportation needs. 
  • Healthcare Access Support: Facilitate transportation for veterans to specialized healthcare providers and medical services not directly available through VA facilities, ensuring continuity of care. 

Resource and Service Access

  • Critical Resource Transportation: Provide transportation to essential services, such as food banks, employment centers, and community support services, to help veterans meet their daily needs and enhance their quality of life. 
  • Service Coordination: Work with local organizations and agencies to offer comprehensive transportation solutions, ensuring veterans can access the full range of resources available to them. 

Housing and Employment Transportation

  • Housing Accessibility: Assist veterans in reaching housing appointments, viewings, and move-in locations to facilitate a smooth transition to permanent housing. 
  • Employment Opportunities: Support veterans in attending job interviews, training sessions, and employment-related events, helping them to secure and maintain meaningful employment. 

Supportive Transportation Services

  • Flexible and Reliable Transportation: Provide reliable and flexible transportation options tailored to veterans' schedules and needs, including shuttle services, rideshare programs, and public transit assistance. 
  • Ongoing Support and Coordination: Maintain ongoing support to address any transportation challenges veterans may face, ensuring they remain connected to the services and opportunities crucial to their well-being.